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Bishop’s University’s Curricular Approach to Student Affairs

The Student Affairs Department has adopted a curricular approach to how we engage with and support BU students. What does this mean? Essentially, we recognize that the student experience is a holistic one; learning opportunities that foster intellectual, professional and personal growth are present as much outside the classroom as they are within it.

To support the student learning experience, an educational priority that is aligned with the culture, values and mission of the University was developed: as a result of their Bishop’s experience, students will insightfully engage with the world.

Stemming from the educational priority, Student Affairs has identified four learning aims that we commit to supporting students to develop during their journeys here on campus. We identify ourselves as educators within our domains, helping students fulfill their own personal goals by supporting their development as human beings. Using a curricular framework allows Student Affairs to effectively scaffold student learning in intentional and meaningful ways across the department.

Personal Growth

Personal Growth

Every aspect of Student Affairs is focused on instilling the confidence to be oneself in the world. After all, it is in our school motto to be proud to BU!

To achieve this, one must feel a sense of agency over one’s decisions and destiny. Students will learn to empower themselves to take responsibility, be independent, and to take risks to learn and grow, whether it be finding the courage to express one’s identity, the voice to challenge the status-quo, or the strength to seek support and understanding when life gets tough. Through access to resources that support their well-being, students will learn to confidently speak up, to do what is right even when it is hard, and to assume responsibility for themselves and their communities.



Curiosity is the drive to ask questions and learn; to push the boundaries of self, community, and education in the hopes of exploring and understanding the world with humble openness. It reflects the relationship with one’s identity, which includes values, beliefs and lived experience. Students will develop their sense of discovery and wonder and embrace the unknown along their paths to appreciate the value of lifelong learning. Students will observe their own reactions and the actions of others with compassion and empathy. Students will engage in dialogue with the intention of gaining greater understanding and be open to the possibility of shifting their perspective.



Advancing equitable and just communities requires action within our spheres of influence. Bishop’s University students will be able to explore and communicate the various aspects of their identities, such as racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual, religious, and individual abilities. They will strive to effectively communicate across cultural differences (including language, nationality, culture, generation, and more) to build bridges and foster greater peace and understanding. They will recognize the inequities in their own communities and the ways they are impacted by and contribute to systemic power, privilege, and oppression.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Our students will feel a sense of belonging to community and learn to participate in the creation of spaces that foster meaningful connections. They will form healthy, supportive communities that make a difference to the lives of those around them, and bravely stand up for the rights of themselves and those around them when necessary. They will learn to do this in local, national, and international contexts.