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The Research Office is responsible for ensuring that research with human participants, animals or biohazards at Bishop’s University meets the highest safety and ethical standards. It also provides support in matters related to intellectual property and the responsible conduct of research.

Responsible Conduct of Research

Research integrity has to do with probity and scientific/scholarly ethics in research or in research-related activities including applications for institutional or government funding. Bishop’s University expects members of the University to display scientific/scholarly honesty in gathering and analysing research findings; provide the most precise possible account of the origin of their findings and of the concepts they use; recognize the intellectual property rights of the various parties; and respect the requirements and legislation regulating certain types of research such as research with human participants, research with animal subjects, research that has environmental impact, and research with biosafety risks.

Bishop’s Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research presents the principles, regulations and procedures related to research integrity and conflicts of interest at Bishop’s. It complies with the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research (2011) and the Politique sur la conduite responsable en recherche (2014) of the Fonds de recherche du Québec.

All allegations of misconduct in scholarly research shall be directed in the first instance in writing to the Vice-Principal Academic or his/her representative who will refer the matter to the Senate Research Ethics Committee. No breaches were confirmed in 2018.

Research with Human Participants

Research with Animals

Research with Biohazards

Research using Controlled Goods

Intellectual Property

The Policy for Managing Intellectual Property at Bishop’s University specifies the application, within the Bishop’s University context, of the Copyright Act, the Patent Act, and other legislation relating to intellectual property, to which all members of the academic community are subject.