A New Research Administration System at Bishop’s

A New Research Administration System at Bishop’s

In 2017, Bishop’s University purchased from Process Pathways a research administration system that is designed to integrate all research administration activities, from the submission and review of grant applications and ethics protocols to the financial management of research projects and reporting to various funding and oversight agencies.

The use of an online Research Portal and of this new system, entitled ROMEO, by the Research Office, allows it to streamline its activities, follow renewals due in real time, link funded projects with their corresponding ethics approvals, if applicable, and eliminate the need for submitting signed and scanned application forms via email.

This purchase is the result of growing research activity at Bishop’s, requiring more sophisticated management and oversight methods and an integrated system that will facilitate that submission, approval and follow-up of funding and ethics applications. ROMEO also allows Research Office staff to provide detailed reports on Bishop’s University’s research activities and income.

The Research Support Fund supports a portion of the costs associated with Bishop’s University’s subscription to Process Pathways and to the use of the ROMEO Research Administration system.