New Publication by Dr. Osire Glacier

New Publication by Dr. Osire Glacier

Dr. Osire Glacier (Department of History and Global Studies, Department of Religion, Department of Politics and International Studies) will soon be launching a new monograph entitled Femmes, Islam et Occident (Éditions Pleine lune, 2018). In this book, the fourth she has published in the past five years, Dr. Glacier debunks the myth that feminism is a solely Western ideology and demonstrates that such a myth stems from a narrow and contemptuous Western view of non-Western cultures. Like all human societies, Muslim countries can boast a multitude of voices and plural thinking, particularly with regards to gender equality.

In this monograph, Dr. Glacier presents a number of progressive Arab-Muslim thinkers who have examined the role and status of women in Islam. She offers a historical overview of the thorny question of the Muslim veil and of feminism in the Arab-Muslim world, and illustrates the contribution of Muslim women to the advancement of human rights in their society and throughout the world, namely with the United Nations’ adoption of the Convention against Torture in 1984.

Femmes, Islam et Occident will be launched on February 16th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Montreal’s Librairie L’Eugélionne (1426 Beaudry). All are welcome to attend.

Femmes, Islam et Occident book by Dr. Osire Glacier