Two or more graders evaluate each exam. Scores range from 1 – 10 including half points.

Students need a score of 6 or higher to pass.

An essay with a passing grade of 6 or higher has adequate organization and development of ideas and few errors in grammar and/or syntax.

Students with grades lower than 6 do not satisfy their EWP requirement.

If you receive a grade lower than 6, you must review your essay by making an online appointment with a Tutor at The Writing Centre.

The numerical scores correspond to the following criteria:

5.5 – inadequate organization and/or development of ideas, and/or errors in grammar and/or syntax.

5 – inadequate organization and/or development of ideas, and/or repeated errors in grammar and/or syntax.

4.5 – inadequate organization and/or development of ideas, and/or repeated or pervasive errors in grammar and/or syntax.

4 – inadequate organization and/or development of ideas, and/or pervasive errors in grammar and/or syntax.

1-3.5 – lack of clarity due to inadequate language skills.