Developing blight-resistant organic potatoes at Bishop’s

Developing blight-resistant organic potatoes at Bishop’s

A MAPAQ-funded research collaboration

Different varieties of biological potatoes tubers will be planted for a research project of Dr Darren Bardati, of Bishop’s University’s Department of Environment and Geography, in collaboration with Dr Helen Jensen of SeedChange – the Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security, as well as the Ministère de l’Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, the Consortium de recherche sur la pomme de terre du Québec and the Centre d’expertise et de transfert en agriculture écologique et de proximité.

The aim of the project is to develop potato varieties for biological culture that are resistant to Phytophtora Infestans, also known as potato blight, which would be attractive to consumers while requiring less agricultural inputs to cultivate.

WHO :   Dr Darren Bardati
Department of Environment and GeographyDr Helen Jensen
Potato planting for a research project to develop blight-resistant organic potatoes
WHEN :Wednesday June 1st, 2022
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE : Bishop’s University farm
3075 Glenday Road (Inside the fence – please respect the neighbouring private residence)



Sonia Patenaude
Manager of Communications