Professors’ Office Hours

Seeking advice and clarifications from your profs should be your first option!

Their office hours are posted on their doors and on the course outlines, so be sure to plan accordingly.

Math Help Centre

Math Help Center is located in Johnson 4.

Business students in MAT196 and MAT197 can seek help from senior math students. Help can be with assignments or exam preparation. This service is free, so use it!

The Writing Centre

The Writing Centre is located in the Library.

Get help with planning, organizing, outlining, sentence structure, grammar, referencing and citations. This service is free.

Make an appointment with writing centre staff by using the online booking system. (Just click on the “Book it!” button.) Appointments are available from Mondays to Friday. Planning in advance in the key to your success; last minute appointments are hard to obtain, especially near the end of the session.

Peer Tutoring Program

Learn about the Peer Tutoring program by contacting