Introductory BUAHS Event

The BUAHS’s Introductory Event is an opportunity for potential members of the society to meet not only the executive and administrative teams, but also to chat and get to know future BUAHS members as well.

Student Panel on University Thriving

The Student Panel on University Thriving is made up of four (or five – still unclear) students from Bishop’s University, emerging from different, yet equally important facets of the community: the panel holds a member from the SRC (or extracurricular activity), a member of the BUAHS, a student athlete, a mature student and an international student. While addressing the different avenues ones can navigate in order to approach failure optimistically, the panelists hope to inspire others by providing a genuine insight of different university experiences and realities.

Graduate Scholarship Workshop

The Graduate Scholarship Workshop is a two-day event, whereby students (preferably in their 2nd or 3rd year) can learn more about the various graduate scholarships available to them after completing their undergraduate degrees. The workshops include introductions to the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University, the 3M National Scholarship of Canada and the McCall MacBain Scholarship at McGill University. The event also promises exclusive seminars with past recipients of such scholarships, as well as lectures by professors about self-marketing in our current global market.

Live Talks

Through the use of Microsoft Teams, the BUAHS organizes several talks during the academic year specifically for its members. The Live Talks are opportunities for current BUAHS members to speak with one another about various ongoing projects on campus; for instance, members who have already been awarded the B.E.S.T. Project Fund, the McConnell fund or are currently working in various positions across campus, such as research assistantships, who can speak of their experiences and guide future students in their own endeavours. The Live Talks also allow alumni – from either Bishop’s as a whole or from the BUAHS itself – to come discuss their post-undergrad experiences: how did they integrate the work force; what are some tips they carry regarding graduate school; what are some skills (e.g. conflict management, networking, etc.) that they found useful after graduating from Bishop’s. Finally, the Live Chats also invites outside speakers to discuss various topics that are both current and interesting in our existing climate.