Home > About B.U. > Governance and Administration > Policies > Access to Documents and Protection of Personal Information

Bishop’s University is subject to the “Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information”, R.S.Q., A-2.1

Every person has a right of access, upon request, to the documents held by the University.

The Act provides for certain restrictions to the right of access.

This restriction applies for example to documents in draft form or preliminary notes.

As well, the right of access only applies to documents that exist at the time of the request and that are held by the University in the exercise of its functions.

An important restriction to the right of access concerns the protection of confidential personal information. Personal information is any information about a person, which allows that person to be identified or distinguished from another. As a general principle, all personal information is confidential and cannot be disclosed without the consent of the person concerned.

Requests for access to documents which contain information regarding the general operations of the University may be made in writing or verbally.

Only requests received in writing can be reviewed by the Commission d’accès à l’information.

Requests should also be precise enough to allow for easy location of the documents.

The Commission d’accès à l’information offers templates for access requests in English and in French.

Requests submitted by email must be sent to secretary.general@ubishops.ca

Requests submitted by mail must be sent to the following address:

Denise Lauzière, LL.B.
Interim Secretary-General
Bishop’s University
2600 College St
Sherbrooke, Qc J1M 1Z7