Functions of the Degree Committee1

The Degree Committee shall have the power to act in the name of Convocation except as regards the granting and conferring of degrees in course. All their proceedings must be reported to the subsequent meeting of Convocation.

Any member of the University community may recommend candidates to the Degree Committee for degrees honoris causa. The Degree Committee shall approve the recipients of all such honorary degrees.

The Chancellor, or in the absence of the Chancellor the Vice-Chancellor, shall be the Chair of the Degree Committee.

The Secretary-General shall be the Secretary of the Degree Committee.

Composition and Membership of the Degree Committee2

The members of the Degree Committee are:

  • the Chancellor, Chair of the Degree Committee3;
  • the Principal and Vice-Chancellor,
  • the Vice-Principal Academic;
  • the Chair of Bishop’s Council;
  • the Chair of the Board of Governors;
  • the Academic Deans; and
  • seven members of the faculty elected by the Faculty Council

Members 2022-2023

Chancellor:Daniel Fournier
Principal and Vice-Chancellor:Michael Goldbloom
Vice-Principal Academic & ResearchAndrew Webster
Chair of the Bishop’s Council:Yolande James
Chair of the Board of Governors:Robert Hall
Dean of Arts:Michele Murray
Dean of Science:Kerry Hull
Dean of Education:Julie Desjardins
Dean of Business:Reena Atanasiadis
Seven members of faculty named by Faculty Council:Jim Benson
Lin Jenson
Robert Sproule
Dale Stout
Catherine Tracy
Maxime Trempe
Dawn Wiseman
Secretary to the CommitteeDenise Lauzière, Interim Secretary General

1 As set out in s. 6.6 of the Statutes
2 As set out in s. 6.5 of Division I of the Statutes
3 As set out in s. 6.6.3 of Division I of the Statutes