Supporting Student and Faculty Research at Bishop’s University

Supporting Student and Faculty Research at Bishop’s University


Research Support FundJulie Fredette

Julie Frédette occupies the recently-created position of Research Officer at Bishop’s University. The Research Officer’s tasks are multiple and diverse, the advantage, according to her, of working at a smaller institution. “My days are never monotonous,” she says. “I can be writing a press release to announce a new research achievement one day, and guiding students through the scholarship application process the next. I can work with student and faculty researchers across all departments and divisions.”
Indeed, Julie provides administrative support to the Research Ethics Board, the Ethics Review Committee for Student Research (both of which ensure that research with human participants conducted at Bishop’s University meets the highest ethical standards), and to the Animal Care and Biosafety Committee. To do so, she has had to receive training in Research Ethics and in Animal Care in a University Research Setting.
Julie also provides Bishop’s University students with one-on-one guidance in the process of applying for graduate scholarships, from identifying the appropriate granting agencies and reminding students of deadlines to reading and commenting their applications. She is the university liaison officer for the main federal and provincial granting agencies and ensures that the information that is transmitted to students is accurate and up-to-date.
The promotion of research also occupies a large part of Julie’s duties as Research Officer. This involves the organization of knowledge mobilization activities, promoting research achievements to Bishop’s University’s faculty members, staff and students as well as to the larger community by sending email notices, updating the website and working with the Communications Officer to liaise with the media. Finally, Julie helps organize Research Week, in collaboration with Sylvie Côté, Director of Research Services, in order to promote, celebrate and share the important behind-the-scenes work done by BU faculty members and students. Among Research Week’s flagship events are faculty talks, guest speakers and the Student Poster Competition.
The Research Support Fund supports a portion of the costs associated with the Research Office’s activities, such as salaries for staff members who provide administrative support.