Canada as Model of Immigrant Control and Integration Policies for Scandinavian Countries

Canada as Model of Immigrant Control and Integration Policies for Scandinavian Countries

Dr. Trygve UglandThe Scandinavian countries have often been portrayed as models for the development of policies for other states. References to Scandinavian politics have also informed the political and academic discourse in Canada to a great extent and for an extensive period of time. However, in the area of immigration and integration policies, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have themselves been searching for inspiration and for new policy solutions abroad. Canada is internationally recognized in the areas of both immigration control and immigrant integration. Dr. Trygve Ugland of the Department of Politics and International Studies was invited by Canal Savoir to discuss the role that the Canadian immigration and integration policy model has played in the Scandinavian reform debate and process in the period from 2000 to 2015. This talk was given in the context of a round-table entitled S’inspirer du modèle scandinave and was based on Dr. Ugland’s research funded through his SSHRC Insight Development Grant. The full round-table, including Dr. Ugland’s presentation, can be viewed online on Canal Savoir’s webpage.